With our dahlia bouquet subscription, you will receive one gorgeous freshly cut bouquet each week for 4 weeks in the fall season. By purchasing a subscription, you are guaranteed flowers that are normally a first-come-first-serve offering. Additionally, subscription bouquets are slighly larger than our regular market bouquets.
Other flowers may be included in your bouquet as they are available. All flowers are grown on our farm and are personally tended to by our family.
Bouquets will be available for farm pick up only, unless other arrangements have been made. We are unable to offer delivery unless specific circumstances allow. Exact start time of the four week subscription will be announced to all subscription holders at a later date. However, it is estimated that we will begin our subscription in August.
2025 Dahlia Bouquet Subscription
Spend $150 and Get a Free Mystery Tuber!
If you are purchasing this bouquet subscription as a gift for someone else, please let us know so we can make up a gift certificate for you. We want you to be able to have a tangible gift for your loved one while awaiting their subscription bouquets.